Basic Movement
Thankfully, we already have our input mapping down, so there really isn't anything to get in our way with this. Let's just start with a CharacterController class like this:You can imagine how the constructor goes, so let's jump straight to Update(). To consistently move (and later, animate) our character properly, we'll need the time that has passed since the last update, but for now, that's pretty much it:
Now, let's think about how we actually want to do this.
The very first thing we'll do is process input, since there is no point in doing anything else until we're certain the player actually wants to move their character. Now that we know we're not dealing with zeroes, we should also normalize the direction vector so diagonal movement doesn't become absurdly fast (although that might be an interesting option if you want to optimize your game for speed running). In the same step, we can also calculate the actual position offset: As you can see, I also added a "sneak button" which halves the movement speed. This is because I wanted something akin to the run button in many old RPGs, with a better reason not to press it; usually, people would hold it down all the time, unless they were in a tight area that required more precise navigation. This just inverts the roles, and spares you some thumb pain.
To complete basic sprite movement, we just need to add the positionOffset to our Character.WorldPosition.
Collision Detection
Now for the interesting part, I decided to implement collision testing against other entities before testing against the tile map, because it's easier to test quickly and presumably has greater implications for our data structures; making map collision suit that data would be easier than vice versa.The Collider Component
Speaking of data, let's talk about the ColliderComponent class. Like the SpriteComponent from last time, it points to an Entity, holding its WorldPosition, and then has some data of its own.For now, that's just data defining the size of the collider. Later we'll add collision behaviour related stuff, like script hooks. How do we define the size of the collider, though?
We could use circle colliders; with the entity position as the center point, we only need a radius, and collision testing circles is super easy. But since our maps are based on an orthogonal grid, using circle colliders is kinda janky when you need to block a path with entities or something.
I'd rather use AABBs, but the Entity.WorldPosition represents the entity's center point, and we can't use Rectangle because it's integer based to boot. So this is what I ended up with:
I decided to use a Vector2 to store the width and height of the bounding box - we'll have to do intersection tests manually.
To use this class, I just replaced the Entity Character with a ColliderComponent Character and changed all references to it to Character.Master.
Testing for Collision
To do the actual collision tests, we first of all need a list of other colliders to test against. Once we pass that into our Update method, we can just loop over the collection, calculating the actual bounds of the respective hit boxes:Finally, we need to test if the two rectangles actually intersect. Since, they're axis aligned, that's pretty simple as well:
Two rectangles A and B intersect, if their edges are arranged ABAB or ABBA on both axes.You can easily assert that by checking if the left edge of A is left of the right edge of B, and the left edge of B is left of the right edge of A. Repeat for other dimension/s.
In code, that looks like this:
Handling Collisions
Many tutorials bail at this point, or explain the obvious options, like projectile hits (Apply projectile effects, Remove projectile from play) and knock back (Move the object into the direction it came from or do more fancy calculation to determine knock back direction).Turns out creating an object that's simply impassible is pretty hard to get right; you might encounter jittering sprites or weird jumpy behaviour. Neither is particularly pleasing to look at, and might cause more serious bugs down the line (e.g. if the object jumps somewhere it can't get back out from).
So, how to do it right?
I decided to approach this very carefully, ignoring diagonal movement for a while:
Essentially, we find the relevant edges, depending on which direction we're moving in, and reduce the positionOffset by the difference. If we changed direction, rather than speed (i.e. changed the sign), we set the speed to zero instead - this keeps the sprite from moving at all if it can't go some direction without a collision.
To add diagonal movement to the mix, we actually only need to modify the outer conditions a bit. If we're moving diagonally downward, for example, but can't go downwards without a collision, we want to keep the horizontal speed, while reducing the vertical speed.
To determine which axes we need to keep intact, we need to introduce another rectangle; the bounding box of the Character at its current location:
As to what we'll do with that: We'll test the intersection condition mentioned earlier, except we'll test the axes separately. If the box is above or below the other rectangle, we need to limit vertical movement, if it's to the sides, we need to limit horizontal movement:
There's one literal corner case unaccounted for in this code: if you approach a collider vertically, and it does not fulfill either condition, you get unhandled behaviour. Try as I might, though, I haven't been able to force that behaviour, and it's difficult to say how to handle it appropriately. I decided to just log that and not worry about it too much. If it practically never happens, and there isn't too much to worry about (I suspect a little jump at worst), there's better places to spend your time.
Better places, such as collision testing against the map.
Which is what I'll be doing next.
Until then!
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