The Results
Before we delve into the code, here's a shitty gif of what we have so far. You'll have to excuse the quality, I haven't looked into screen capturing software yet, so I made this with screenshots and a simple gif converter:At 500 FPS, which I'm currently getting on my machine, this actually doesn't look like a strobe light. |
But that's okay, it's mostly throwaway code I wrote knowing it'd be rewritten once I knew how everything should fit together.
The Code
Okay, let's talk business. Right at the top, there's a monstrous [Flags] enum that I haven't talked about before, but that doesn't get used until much later, and it's not like the enumeration itself needs a lot of explaining, once we get to that bit.The truly new part, though, are the following type definitions: The all important Entity class with one whopping member, the SpriteComponent and AnimationComponent, and some other animation related data structures.
Sprite Rendering
The SpriteComponent is relatively simple, mostly because it doesn't define any methods. Scrolling down to TileMap.DrawSpriteLayer(...), it should be pretty easy to see how it's used:The TileMap has a List of sprites and simply renders them in order, if the passed layerIndex is equal to their own Layer member. The position a sprite is rendered at, of course, depends on the Entity.WorldPosition, but just rendering there won't do too much good; generally, we don't want the sprite's top left to be the Entity's center point, so we use half the sprite's width and it's full height, converted to world units, as a negative offset.
In case you're wondering why I don't use a different SprteSortMode if I'm just rendering in order, it's because sprite sorting seems to be broken in MonoGame [citation needed], so I just sort all sprites in the same list, before calling DrawSpriteLayer() multiple times. Also, n*log(n) scales better than n*m*log(n/m).
Since the animation data structures also don't define any methods, let's jump straight to the code that processes them. It's in TileMap.Update(...), and enclosed in the second profiler.BeginOperation /* ... */ EndOperation block. That's lines 368 through 418.Again, the TileMap keeps track of all AnimationComponents in a List, and iterates over that list, though the update logic is a tad more complex than sprite rendering.
Of course, we skip null entries, as well as components that currently aren't playing an animation, as signified by a negative index. We then update the timer and pull out the current frame's duration from the nested data structures.
We then calculate a new world position, which was actually pretty difficult to get right: we regularly sort by position, and so we can't use an offset we add during rendering, so no lerping. I'm still not convinced this is right, but at the moment, testing is rather difficult, and it's still throwaway code, so I don't really care quite yet.
The next part, you'd be familiar with; if the timer is past a threshold, we increment a frame counter and subtract from the timer, in preparation for the next frame.
Then we need to find the next frame in the animation, which is the short bit in the following else block. If there is no next frame (signified by another threshold), we look at the AnimationSequence.
This is the least self-explanatory part in this update, I think; the AnimationSequence is essentially a list of animation definitions that we want to play back in order. This would be used by both passive behaviour (instead of parallel script execution) and event scripts.
To reflect this duality, each AnimationComponent has two sequences: the active sequence, which is the one we use to look up the next frame, and the default sequence, which is set as the active sequence when we're not executing scripts.
The script engine would have to lock sprites by setting the active sequence to null and could then animate them by setting another sequence. The sprite could later be released by resetting the active sequence to the default sequence.
This is not actually reflected in the code at the moment (I don't know why, actually - I'll fix that once I'm done writing this), but it will be at some point.
Other changes
It's been quite a while since the last time I let you people look at my map rendering code, so there's some other new features, such as parallax backgrounds, but that's actually not that much code, and more related to the camera, which has to get a different matrix calculation method.There's also unmentioned leftovers from the initial refactoring, such as the LayerSettings enumeration, but I think if you look at the Draw method, that shouldn't be too hard to figure out. The complicated part there was precalculating the look up tables, so if you take those for granted, the code itself isn't that bad.
What's next?
Now that this ordeal is over with, there's a few options of what to implement next.- Of course, I could do another refactoring, but the other subsystems will also tie into the TileMap class, so prototyping these will mess it up again. I'll do that when the TileMapView is feature complete and I want to thoroughly debug it.
- Now that we have the visual aspect of maps down, we could think about implementing BURGLE, the level editor for this engine. That would simplify testing quite a bit, but keeping two code bases up to date on an experimental API is a lot of work.
- Testing could also be simplified by implementing debug visualization, but I refuse to do that until I overhaul the configuration and logging facilities, and by extension, the profiler. Making the latter two non-static was a stupid mistake, and the .NET standard config and logging facilities are just awful to work with.
- We could also ignore all that and get to work on the next engine subsystem, either the audio engine or the character controller, as a prerequisite to the physics system (which will not be a complex simulation; collision will only be tested between the player character and other entities).
UPDATE: The two page views I expected are in, and I haven't gotten any messages concerning this, so I decided to approach the choice from first principles.
First of all, coding the level editor would require a significant amount of work in areas other than map rendering, and I don't think I should leave this code to be half-forgotten before rewriting it. The same goes for the entirely unrelated debug facilities.
Choosing what subsystem to implement next is a little non-obvious in this regard. The audio engine is on the same level as map rendering, as it should also work regardless of game state. However, the code is not all that involved with the map itself. There are a couple of related map properties, such as the default background music and echo settings, but collision detection is inherently involved with the map, so that's what I'll work on next.
Of course, you can also let me know if you have questions about this rather terrible code, though I'd understand if you wouldn't want to touch that with a ten feet pole.
Anyway, see you later!
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