I really wanted to do everything about grid based collision testing in one post, but I got the basics working in two or three different ways already, and haven't figured out non-square colliders quite yet. Since there's actually multiple of those that I want to make, I figured I have to make this at least three posts.
This is the first part. The easy part. Sigh.
Defining the Collision Map
First of all, we need to go back into the TileMap class and add collision data.We could do crazy stuff like having a more fine grained collision map, so you'd have four (or nine, even sixteen) pieces of collision data per visual tile. This is actually what the first Pokémon games did, though their blocks were actually 32 by 32 pixels.
But! That's quadratically more colliders we need to test for an equally large character hit box. Time we could spend elsewhere. Like on more complex colliders that give us floating precision, rather than keeping us tied to the grid. We'll get to those later.
For now, let's just define a field of type TileCollider[,]. We'll then need to define the TileCollider type. If you wanted to parametrize the complex colliders, you could use a struct. I didn't see the need, so I went with an enum. We can switch later on, and define constants for the non-parametrized ones, leaving the previously written code functioning.
Since we're only doing the basics today, the only values we'll need are TileCollider.Passable and TileCollider.Impassable. The former isn't actually a collider and just lets us pass through, while the latter is a square collider around the entire block.
Add some code to the test constructor and we should be good to go.
Identifying Relevant Grid Cells
Back in the character controller, we now have to make use of the collision map somehow. It would be pretty easy to just iterate over the entire map and collision test against all cells. There's two problems with that: Obviously, it's really unnecessary because we can probably identify what cells are relevant, and because we might have to do two passes, depending on how we implement some colliders.We could use the same optimization here as we did with tile rendering; calculate the bounds of the relevant subsection of the grid and only loop over that;
Do that twice - with slightly different loop bodies, and you should be able to get even complex colliders to work.
There's other options, though. For one, we probably don't actually need to do collision tests on the cells that don't intersect with the edges of the hit box. However, unless the hit box is larger than 1.0 on both axes, that's zero cells, so that's a completely stupid (and surprisingly hard) optimization to make, unless you want to have the player control a larger character at some point.
Or you want a theoretically complete, reusable engine. Which is a kind of ridiculous idea, because you'll probably want to make some changes with every new game you build, no matter how good your engine is.
You could also look at only the corners of the hit box in the first pass, and only the edges in the second pass. We'll get into why that would work (and what you need two passes for in the first place) in the next post, but for now, suffice it to say that it would probably work.
If you get either of the edge/corner only approaches to work, these are pretty easy to optimize, as you only need to check one edge (two corners) during horizontal and vertical movement, and two edges (three corners) during diagonal movement.
But both of them are somewhat inconvenient to implement, so I'm not sure that's really worth it, especially if you consider that the character controller only runs once per frame. Maybe two or three times, if you wanna have the kind of enemy/puzzle element that imitates the player's movement in a different collision environment.
Even if you have to optimize it, you'll probably want to start with entity collisions, because that takes a variable amount of time, depending on the number of entities.
Detecting and Handling Tile Collisions
Now that we have a loop, we can start detecting and handling collisions. How that is done depends on the collider, though, so let's start with a switch statement like this:The passable collider doesn't actually have to do anything, since movement is supposed to be unaffected there, so we'll just leave it like that, and make it the default behaviour as well.
As for the impassable collider, we actually kind of have that already, as entity colliders are rectangles, and we just want an ol' square collision test.
I decided to make a function I called TestSquareCollision, which got the positionOffset as a ref, so it could modify it without returning it. I'm not sure implementing it exactly like that was the best idea, as there's actually some stuff in the entity collision handling that has yet to be added, which doesn't have to be shared with grid collision testing, namely the ColliderComponent.Passable flag, determining whether the collision should be handled or merely detected, and script hooks which may need to be called.
Either way, implementing the impassable collider now becomes trivial by calling TestSquareCollision like this:
Before we wrap this up, there's one more thing: If we leave the bounds of the map, we'll be greeted by an IndexOutOfBoundsException, because we try to test colliders outside of the collision map.
That's not really acceptable, so let's implement something akin to border blocks. Except we don't really need a border block collision map. Generally, we don't want the player to reach outside the map, so we can safely prevent it like so:
Testing this will reveal another bug though. When sliding along the edge of the map via diagonal movemene, we'll emcounter the "literal corner case" from before, which we currently handle by throwing an exceptioin. Which at least brought the issue to light, though the fix is just not doing anything, as it turns out. You may still want to log it, in case it occurs in other situations where not doing anything is inappropriate, but for now it's fine.
And that's the basics, really. If you don't want fancy collider shapes, you're done. Imma need at least six more, (though that's really more like two in various orientations), which we'll cover in parts 2 and 3.
Until then!