
Tile Maps: I'll Show You The World

After fixing the hot mess from installing the full release of Visual Studio 2015 without first uninstalling the Release Candidate, which left me unable to start up or uninstall either (if you're having the same problem, try running the installer from the command line with the /u /force flags), I can finally do the rendering code for tile maps.

However, to see if it works, we'll need a tileset and a map. We can hardcode the tile map, but for the tileset, I decided to use KenneyNL's Roguelike tile sets, just for proto typing.

And now my watch begins

To get an idea of where to even start, let's think of when a tile map would be visible.
  • First and foremost, during exploration, when you're controlling your character,
  • during scripted events, when you're not in control, and
  • when you're in an overlaid menu, where you control the cursor, rather than your character.
These are three inherently different game states, that share some logic - they are substates to the encompassing TileMapView game state.
Just to get something on screen quickly, I took a quick stab at implementing it. It's chaotic, it's not feature complete, and it's not even documented. It's a refactoring waiting to happen. However, it also renders this:
Not all that pretty. Yet.
I think the code is mostly self-explanatory, but before we go on to add the missing features, let's discuss the evil bit level hacks and other non-obvious choices.

Starting at the top, the MakeTileID method would probably have been a macro, if those existed in C#. It's purely a convenient function for now, but it does document the bit level layout of a tile ID: There's integers X and Y, each ranging from 0 to 63, taking up bits 0 through 5 and 6 through 11, respectively. There's a SpriteEffects in there, which is a field of two flags, and finally a two bit integer called r. That's an index into the ROTATIONS array above, allowing blocks to be rotated individually.

The constructor is pretty simple initialization. All these loops programmatically fill the map. The last line is there to test the rotation and mirroring features. I tested them individually as well, but here the combination of both flips and a rotation by 180° gives us the original orientation of the tile.

Finally, the DrawLayer method does the heavy lifting: we Begin a SpriteBatch for each layer because, as the additive/subtractive lighting layers go in between, we'll have to begin different batches anyway. The layers in between are also the reason this is its own method in the first place, and not just the body of a loop in Draw.
Then, we declare and initialize our local variables; the source and destination Rectangles for the call to SpriteBatch.Draw, as well as rot, an index into ROTATIONS, and a SpriteEffects variable. I do this outside the loop because it's probably going to be the hottest loop in our code base for quite a while and it's a quite intuitive optimization.
Within the loop itself, we split all the info in the tile ID and update the local variables as necessary, before finally drawing the tile. The Vector2 origin we pass here refers to the center of rotation, relative to the top-left corner of the sprite. Since all tiles are 16x16 pixels, passing (8 8) rotates tiles around their mid-point.

The light that brings the dawn

I already mentioned the light maps that go between layers, an those will be our next priority. To make this make sense, let's place a light source first. The fire pit will do, so that's MakeTileID(14,26) for me.
As for the light itself, I used gradients and the Posterize adjustment in Paint.NET to make a pixely, fading blob of orange on black and added that to the tile set. At this point, my proto-tileset looked like this. I have my doubts stuffing the lighting data into the tile set like this is viable in the long run, but for now, this will certainly do.

To blend layers, we need to pass a BlendState when calling SpriteBatch.Begin, so we'll just add that as a parameter to our DrawLayer function. After adjusting our code in Draw and adding a couple tiles to the additive layer, we can now render this:
...still not impressed? Me neither.
While BlendState.Additive is provided in XNA/MonoGame, we'll have to make our own subtractive blend mode. We can't really set the opacity either, but for that, we can use the color parameter to SpriteBatch.Draw.
It is used to tint sprites by multiplying each pixel's color by the provided value. Since we only use the opacity for additive and subtractive blending, we can provide a shade of grey that gets us the same effect as setting opacity.
The rules say we get exactly different 16 opacities, so I decided to make another array of constants to reference with an opacityIndex parameter to the DrawLayer method. Choosing an opacity of fifty percent (that's #808080) makes the lighting in this proto type a lot prettier:

The fire that burns against the cold

Our little camp fire just doesn't look right with just the light map, wouldn't you say? The thing it lacks is movement. I've never seen a still fire, so we need to animate it.
I already mentioned using a Dictionary for that in my last post, and here's how that works:
You need the X and Y parts of a tile ID, both as values and as keys. When rendering, get the lower 12 bits by ANDing the tile ID with 0xFFF, put them in a local variable, and if (dictionary.ContainsKey(id)), set id = dictionary[id].
This lets you alias tile IDs, which is a great way to troll level designers, but not all that useful by itself. To animate a tile, you need to dynamically change the contents of the dictionary. There are seemingly endless ways to time your animations, but no matter which you choose, in the end, the result will look somewhat like this:
Converting this into a gif seems to have fucked the colors, but at least it's moving.

With that, we have the basic feature set down. The new main focus, obviously, is to refactor this mess into something useful. You'll hear from me again once that's done and something interesting is in the making again. Until then!

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