This is because I wanted to get the rendering pipeline somewhat presentable, and didn't want to talk about entity systems until I absolutely had to. Tile maps don't need to be in the entity system, they represent the space the entity lives in. The camera doesn't have to be either, because there will only ever be one and it will be operated by different pieces of code depending on game state. The virtual screen is explicitly outside of the game world, while all entities are inside.
ECS Architecture
A decade or so ago, people started realizing that using class hierarchies for their game objects was more curse than blessing. Around the same time, the most common performance bottle neck was found to be the CPU's memory cache.The Entity/Component/System pattern, designed to combat both problems simultaneously, was all the rage until about five years ago, and is commonly considered the definitive method these days. Unity has a somewhat improper implementation without the System part, and as far as I know Unreal uses object composition as well.
An entity is your basic game object, made up of multiple components, flat data structures that contain part of the state of the entity. Systems then operate on all components of a certain type, rather than all entities worrying about themselves - the RenderingSystem draws all entities that have a MeshComponent, the PhysicsSystem moves all entities with a ColliderComponent and performs collision detection.
If you perform the same instructions on all elements of an array, you significantly decrease the probability of encountering a cache miss, granting a boost in performance if that's your bottle neck.
This pattern also decouples the different tasks your engine has to accomplish; you can define an entity to have any combination of components, massively reducing the number of different types of game object you might need. This in turn means that you can come up with new types of entities on the fly (unless, of course, that would require a new type of component or a new system), without writing any code whatsoever.
Now to rain on the parade, because I'm a cynic who enjoys rain, we really shouldn't expect an advantage in performance. With C# running on the CLR, and calls into MonoGame inside even our hottest loops, there's enough going on outside of our control that the cache will probably get trashed with every iteration. Cache-optimizing the code between these two layers just won't do all that much.
Not that we'd really need to. I expect no more than like 30 NPCs on any given map, and even fewer other objects. For all its other strengths, I'll still implement something similar, it's just something to keep in mind.
Now, before we rush in specifying implementation details of a "robust, powerful entity system" for the heck of it, maybe we should look at what we actually want it to do. Once we know what kinds of entities we'll need, we can worry about what components we might need to construct them.The obvious thing is NPCs: Animated sprites walking about the map that the player can interact with by pressing A while facing them. The specifics of what an NPC does when interacted with should be defined in the event scripting system.
Then there's event spaces: Plain hit boxes that trigger an event script on collision. A special case of this is the warp space, which transports the player to a given position on a given map, potentially after playing a door animation. It sounds like a good idea to map warp spaces to each other so that, when you change one map's layout, you don't have to change warp spaces on another. That would be a nice option, but it wouldn't let you make warps that don't let the player go back the way he came.
That's actually the three basic event types from the third generation Pokémon engine I'm so used to working with, so that's proven to be enough for the kind of game I'm planning, but you could get away with less, like the RPG Maker, which combined NPCs and event spaces by providing multiple hooks for scripts (on-collision and on-interact, essentially), and required you to script warp spaces yourself.
And maybe we find that to be the way our script component should work, but at minimum we should provide a parametrized default warp script so you don't have to write six lines of boiler plate script code for every fricking door in the game. I like using the RPG Maker as reference for this sort of stuff, but that's one thing I think it botched badly.
Moving on, there's some more object types I'd like to have to enhance the feel of the game world.
First, there's sound emitters. Ever since I saw a live stream of a guy scripting dozens of events in RPG maker to alter the volume of an ambient waterfall sound effect as your character moved, I've been in love with this idea. It's common practice in 3D games, where it's important for the suspension of disbelieve, less so in 2D games.
I'm not quite so sure about the last one, but particle emitters might come in handy as well. Whether it's malfunctioning electronics spouting sparks, waterfalls spraying water or just chimneys puffing away, that some things might be easier to animate this way. This would be very inaccurate though (neither the SNES nor the GBA used many particle effects), and I'm not sure it would be actually worth the effort, I'm just putting out the idea.
Now we can look at what components we need to make, by finding common vs. distinct properties of these entity types and identifying their purpose.To start with the obvious, other than NPCs and particle emitters, which have very distinct logic, none of these are actually visually rendered. We'll therefore make a SpriteComponent and possibly a ParticleEmitterComponent. Similarly, the sound emitter is the only type that directly uses the audio engine (which doesn't actually exist yet, so we'll have to implement this later on), so we'll make that a distinct SoundEmitterComponent.
Next, you may have noticed that all our components make use of the entity's position in the game world. We might make that a LocationComponent that all other components rely on, but at that point, wouldn't it be better to just put that data on the actual entity? Or rather, is something that isn't located in the game world really an entity? Maybe it should just go into the map properties if it's level specific, or into the engine code, if it's an even more generic thing.
Identifying the other components is where it gets more difficult, as they all use the scripting system and rely on collision to some extent. We'll probably want to make a HitBoxComponent for collision testing, with a setting to determine wether the player should pass through, where you can manually query for collision, or whether they should be pushed back by the physics system.
Another thing only the NPCs do according to my descriptions is move and animate. There's different stances you might take on how that should be handled: Movement is just what happens when you play the walking animation, when you move an NPC, it should automatically play the walking animation. If you've ever worked with FL Studio or other audio software with automation envelopes, you might argue that being able to animate any value on any component is the way to go.
While it's true that that's an incredibly powerful system, especially in music production, where all the knobs affect each other and changes to their values stack exponentially, rippling into the final mix, I don't think that's necessarily true for games, especially considering we're currently trying to keep values from affecting each other too much. Our animation system ought to be simple enough to be effectively used by event scripts, but not so simple that you need a lot of code to accomplish anything with it.
So, since our animations have to be accessed by script code, we might as well push the movement behaviour of an NPC into the script system, with scripts looping in the background, running animations. To complement that, we just need an AnimationComponent to (1) define available animations; and (2) store the currently running animation and its state.
That leaves us with the three script hooks we've identified so far: OnCollision and OnInteraction are triggered during collision testing, while the ParallelProcess just runs in a loop forever. Not every NPC needs a movement behaviour attached, neither do other objects you might want to script, so let's make a separate ParallelScriptComponent.
As for the other two, they are so strongly tied to the collision code that I'll probably just put them on the HitBoxComponent after all.
Additions and Optimizations
Okay, so I just spent a couple of hours away from my computer, thinking about other stuff, and came back to sanity-check the concept so far. Here are three things I didn't talk or think about the first time round:Conditionally De/Spawning Entities
If a game allows you to revisit a location multiple times over the course of the narrative, you'd probably expect your progress in the story to have some effect on the game world, especially the characters in it. To do that, RPGs commonly show or hide characters depending on a choice you made or an event you cleared.We have a general purpose progression system consisting of boolean values and integers that can be set by scripts (in theory, anyway - the scripting thing in general isn't in place yet). Tieing an entity to such a value is an easy way to the goal here, we just need to find the place to check for it. You might get away with checking every frame, since both flags and variables are stored in your every-day array, and it guarantees immediate response, which caching the value doesn't.
Since you may want to use this for any entity, and every system has to perform the check, we don't even have to make this it's own component, and store the relevant data directly on the entity.
Sharing Animation Definitions
As I specified above, the AnimationComponent should hold definitions for all available animations. Thing is, most NPCs will use the exact same sprite sheet layout with the exact same animation timings and all. We don't have to make shared components a thing, we just need to make AnimationDefinitions into a type of content that can be shared by AnimationComponents.It seems pretty obvious, so I'm not sure me a couple hours ago thought so too and didn't mention it for that reason, or just forgot about it.
Dynamic Object Creation
While pretty much all of this post focused on objects you'd place on a map during level design, the entity system also needs to handle objects that are placed by scripts or even the engine itself, as they come and go.Prime examples of script placed objects are NPCs that aren't actually on the map and only spawned for one event, and sound effects that should have an audible location in the world (an explosion, a scream, church bells, whatever).
As for objects placed by the engine, there's the player character itself - placing it in engine code is much better than demanding that every map have an object with a PlayerCharacterComponent or something, I think. There's also a swath of visual effects that I'd implement this way; Pokémon style tall grass, submerging characters in water up to their necks, and reflections on ice floors or wall mirrors, just to name the ones that I think would be cool.
With these effects in particular, we need to consider our technical limitations and our layer model, as well as rendering order in general. But that can wait until the next post, where I'll implement the basis for all this and hopefully the rendering bits, so I can show screen shots again.